The 3 Day Class
The three day class (sometimes livestreamed over 4 days) is facilitated by Dr. Tom Kolso and Shauna Teaken and is the complete Happy Mouth system. It's a hands-on class where participants learn to give Happy Mouth sessions.
It's designed for those who wish to change their own dental health, and perhaps that of family and friends, and also for those wishing to be practitioners of Happy Mouth. Upon completion of the class, participants are considered Certified Practitioners of Happy Mouth.
The classes are information-rich as well as containing the activations for the various systems, clearings for past traumas and dramas around teeth, gums, eating, jaws, and communication, and participants are able to ask questions about their own dental health and how Happy Mouth can assist.
Instructions are given for running the points as sessions on others, and participants practice this in the class. In addition the manual contains the charts and instructions for accurate location of the points on the head, as well as protocols for delivering sessions.
Happy Mouth activations must be done by another person, you cannot activate your own systems, however you can ask a friend or family member to assist you.
The systems and points covered in the class include:
- Dontal Generative System,
- Bone & Lymph Restorative System,
- TMJ Restorative System,
- TMJ Generative System
- Tooth Structural Integrity System,
- Gingival Generative System,
- Gingival Restorative System
- Salivary Gland Generative System,
- Hair Generation Activation Point
- Youthening Activation Point
- and a number other points.
Other topics covered include mercury amalgams, phobias about dentistry, receding gums, bone loss, clenching & grinding, dental implants, and wisdom teeth.